Certified Organization
2025-03-18 Tuesday
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The Open Complaint of Chinese Organic Farmer
Our association was finally witnessed and appraised on August 6th , 2007. We originally expected to formally get approval of certification in September, 2007. Up to now, it can’t passed , and the reasons are strange.
The complaint causes not to pass:
1.Probably it is because our association didn’t apply and pass the former CAS organic certification organization of Agriculture Committee before which caused it to get greatly unfair treatment. And some deliberating person had deep prejudice to our association.
2.It is very evident that Agriculture Committee’s previous certification system was wrong, now the line of IAF is just right. And this is our association’s opinion for many years. Isn’t it wrong for our right persistent ? Why do they still persecute us?
3.Our association is much for Agriculture Committee’s TGAP policy, the other four organizations who don’t apply TAF certification, can continue doing the organic product certification. So our farmers aren’t Taiwan’s farmers. They completely don’t consider the farmers’ rights and interests. Aren’t the farmers of Chinese Organic Association bullied enough for more 3 years?
4.If it is said that our association’s quality document、headquarters、witness and appraisal、people of certificate have some problems, do we have reason to do the second witness and appraisal and its revision policy? It is strange that it still can’t pass? This matter would be checked because we believe that justice is existence in human’s heart. Does the international rank of certification organization let this matter carry on?
5.We put forward the open complaint, and wish competent authority and the deliberating person will consider our case with the principle of fair and justice !
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Chinese Organic Agricertification Association Copy Right